About us

Thanasis Pantes

Thanasis Pantes, founder of Walking Holidays and Authorized trekking guide, first encountered the majestic and boundless beauty of the Pindos Mountain chain while he was still studying Mathematics at the University of Ioannina.
During the following years, he expanded hundreds of kilometers of trekking trails to Mount Pelion, Meteora and Mount Olympus. Since then, Thanasis has made his passion his profession and has been working as a professional trekking guide for the last 25 years
The Vikos Canyon, the Voidomatis river, the jagged peaks of Mount Olympus and the beautiful villages of Zagori and Pelion have become his second home.  There is nothing that he enjoys more than trail guiding and sharing his invaluable knowledge of Greece’s breathtaking and unique natural environment.

Email: thanasispantes@gmail.com



Pavlos Zachos  I always had an attraction to nature. I was very lucky to discover the mountain when I was a child. I followed the path and found a whole new world of adventure and excitement.

I first  started guiding groups on the mountain in 1995, at the age of 19, and since that time I worked as a guide in many other outdoor activities like rafting, canyoning, mountain bike, climbing etc

I got certified training for lifeguard, wild water rescuer, rafting guide instructor and I organized a great deal of team building events in Greece and incentive trips around the world.

The last 30 years I had the chance to work for the biggest companies of outdoor activities in Greece and cooperate with many great people.

I enjoy the company of the participants and I’m always in the mood for sharing stories with them as well as my excitement and admiration for the activities we do and the places we visit.

Email : pzachos@gmail.com







  Elena  Sazaltzoglou  Ravie de toutes les beautés que la nature grecque a à nous offrir, j’ai commencé à explorer.

  À pied ou au volant, en famille ou en groupe pendant plusieurs années, je poursuis des chemins  de randonnée à la montagne ou auprès de la mer.

  Je suis heureuse de partager mes expériences, toujours sur la voie du respect de l’environnement et des cultures locales!

  Email : helenasaz@yahoo.com








Alexandros Panagos    Εs liegt im Instinkt des Menschen, in der Natur zu sein. Die körperliche Bewegung, die geistige Ruhe und die unglaublichen Erfahrungen, die wir durch die schönen Bilder die uns die Natur bietet, haben mich dazu gebracht, den Weg des Wanderführers einzuschlagen.

Ich bin Absolvent einer Gymnastikakademie, die auf Outdoor-Aktivitäten spezialisiert ist.
Ich bin Skilehrer, Raftingführer, Kletterlehrer und WandeführerMeine Leidenschaft ist es, die Schönheit der Natur mit anderen zu teilen und den Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Aktivitäten sicher zu genießen.
Ich habe in den letzten 5 Jahren mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt gearbeitet.

Griechenland bietet herrliche Ausblicke in Kombination mit der köstlichen mediterranen Küche
Ich warte mit Freude diese Erfahrung mit euch zu teilen.


Email : panagos.alexandros3@gmail.com



                                                                                                Natalia Naumenkova    Живя в Греции уже более 20 лет, я не перестаю восхищаться её красотой, волшебной природой, вкусной едой и душевными людьми.                                                                Хочется этим  делиться и влюблять в эту многогранную страну! Приглашаю вас в путешествие вместе со мной, где я покажу вам                                                                          самые известные и потаённые  уголки прекрасной Эллады.



Email : natalianaou@gmail.com






Jonathan Peat is an experienced mountain leader-guide, he has been living and working in Crete since 1988. He began his career as a guide in the Samaria gorge. He has a French, English and Greek mountain leader diploma and has been organizing walking trips in Crete since 1989. He speaks Greek, French and English fluently, has a passion and an in-depth knowledge of all things Cretan, and most of all a connection with Cretan nature and the mountains. 







Why us

Small Groups
In order to provide the best quality, our groups are limited, in most cases, to no more than eight participants.

Local Staff
All of our mountain and tourist guides and staff are locals who live in Greece and know the tour areas better than anyone else. We all work as a team to provide you the ultimate holiday experience in Greece.

Family Run Hotels and Restaurants
Wherever possible we have chosen family run hotels and restaurants with a home like atmosphere. We know all our providers personally.

Traditional Meals
In Greece eating is a ceremony to be enjoyed and savored. For this reason we have chosen the most authentic local tavern and restaurant for our tours. We go where the local go – because the locals know best.

Eco friendly Tours
On our tours your guides will tell you a lot about Greek nature, the unique flora, fauna and landscapes of Greece and how you can help us to protect it. We leave nothing but our footprints, avoid mechanical transportation whenever possible and take nothing but pictures.

Unique Trails Off the Beaten Path
We’ve explored almost every secret corner of Greece. Some of the paths chosen on our tours are unique and are not offered almost anywhere else.

Tailor Made and Flexible Holidays
We can easily adjust the tour according to your needs and preferences. We offer guided, self guided and tailor made private tours for your own group, family or company.

Value for Money
Our prices are affordable but we insist on the best quality for food, accommodation and guiding services.

Walking Tours for Anyone
It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced hiker or a weekend walker. You can choose between an easy or a more difficult walking tour, a guided or a self guided tour.  We certainly have a walking tour that fits your level. Simply contact us.

More than 25 years of walking tours all over Greece and happy guests are the best guarantee for an unforgettable holiday.

Fully protected
Walking Holidays is a licensed ( Tax  number : EL 055834403 ) Greek travel agency and tour operator . We hold the license number 0726E60000060201 issued by the Greek National Tourism Organization (G.N.T.O.). Walking holidays is also an active member of the Hellenic Association of Tourism Enterprises in Outdoor Activities (HATEOA).